You can use a variety of methods to get fish smell out of a car. One way is to put the fish in a bowl with some water and place the car in the sun. The heat will cause the water to evaporate and the smell of fish will come out. Another way is to put some rice in a small Container and place it in the sun. The heat will cause the rice to cook and the smell of rice will come out.

There are a few ways to neutralize the smell of fish. One way is to use a deodorant. Another way is to use a product that is specifically designed to reduce the smell of fish.

If your car smells like fish, it could be because of a problem with the air filter.

There are many ways to deodorize a smelly car. One way is to use a car deodorizer. Another way is to use a carabiner to put a small amount of unscented, room-temperature water into the air conditioning unit and turn it on. The water will create a natural scent in the car and help to deodorize it.

There are a few reasons why there might be a smell in your car. One reason is that the air-conditioning may not be working properly. Another reason is that something may have been spilled in the car.

The fish smell will go away within a few hours.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some people swear by using vinegar to get rid of the fishy smell in their aquarium, while others recommend using a different type of cleaner or detergent. Ultimately, it is up to the individual aquarium owner to experiment and find the best way to clean their fishtank without resorting to vinegar.

There are a few ways to remove smells from car seats. One way is to use a fabric softener. Another way is to put a pot of cold water on the seat and then pour it over the smell.

There are a few reasons your car may smell like rotten food. One reason is that the food may have been left in the car for a long time. The air in a car smells like food because of the carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas it produces.

Yes, baking soda can be left in the car overnight.

Yes, vinegar can absorb smells.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some people swear by baking soda for removing smells from cars, while others find that other methods such as using a hairdryer work better. Ultimately, the best way to determine if baking soda is effective is to experiment and see what works best for you.

There could be a number of reasons why your radiator smells like fish. The most likely reason is that the fish are swimming around in the water and using the radiator as their home.

Dirty sock syndrome is a problem with the skin that can occur when socks are not kept clean. This can lead to bacteria on the skin getting into the blood, which can cause an infection.

There could be a number of reasons why your son’s room smells like fish. One possibility is that he has been eating seafood that was left in his room after it was cleaned. Another possibility is that the cleaning chemicals have left a fishy smell. If you are not sure what could be causing the smell, you can try to take a sniff of the room and see if there is any particular smell that you are noticing.

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some tips on how to make your car smell new include using a car air freshener, adding a little lemon juice to your air fresheners, and using a deodorant.

There are a few ways to keep your car smelling new. One is to use a car freshener every time you fill it up with gasoline or oil. Another is to keep the air conditioning on all the time and use a dehumidifier in the summertime.