How to Remove a Follower on Instagram

  1. Go to the follower list on Instagram and select the person you want to remove from your account.

  2. Click on the Remove button.

  3. After removing the follower, you’ll be able to see their current followers in the list.

Remove Follower on Instagram with a Phone

The first step is to determine whether or not the follower is actually following you. If they’re not following you, you can remove them by going to their account settings and clicking on the “Remove follower” button. Once they’re removed, they won’t be able to follow you again.

If the follower follows you but isn’t following your posts or likes, it’s possible that they might be confused about why they don’t appear in your feed. To clear up any confusion, post a clarification message on your account that explains how followers are counted and what effect removing them will have.

Remove Follower by Using a Computer.

To remove a follower on Instagram, use a computer. Sign in to your account and click on the three lines in the top right corner of the main screen. This will open a menu where you can select “user management.” In this window, click on the three lines that say “remove follower.” You’ll be taken to a screen where you can choose how to remove the follower.

You can either:

Type in the name of the person you want to remove from your account Click on the “remove” button Click on the “copy” button to copy the following information: their username, email address, and phone number Click on the “paste” button to paste that information into your Facebook or Twitter profile. Click on the “delete” button to confirm your deletion request.

Offering an alternative to blocking someone on Instagram, this article suggests removing a follower instead. Removing followers can be done by following these steps: 1) log into the account2) go to the “Followers” tab3) scroll down to find the user you want to remove4) tap their thumbnail photo 5) click “Unfollow” at the bottom of the screen 6) then hit “Done.

An easy way to remove a follower without them knowing is by following them back. This will immediately unfollow them. Some also believe the tactic of blocking the person on Twitter is an effective way, but this can easily be seen as suspicious. Finally, one could change their username. This will not unfollow followers, but will make it difficult for people to find their new account.

The “following” button on Instagram is considered a status of allegiance amongst followers of the account, which cannot be removed or altered. As of September 2013, Instagram had over 150 million active monthly users across the globe- with about 44% of those users being American. With such a large audience, it becomes difficult to remove followers.

Removing a follower on Instagram will not affect the viewer’s Instagram feed, though it may affect their engagement rates. The viewer may continue to see posts from that account without being notified that they have been removed as a follower.

Muting someone on Instagram is a way to avoid seeing posts from the person you have muted. It does not actually block them from your feed, and they will still be able to post publicly and tag you. The posts they send to you will not show up in your inbox or notifications. You can unmute them at any time by going into the Muted list and choosing Unmute next to their name.

In order to clean up your Instagram account from the old feed, you need to disable the auto-play feature that continuously scrolls back through your timeline. This will allow for users to go back and delete posts they would like to get rid of. Once this is disabled, the user can then scroll through each post individually and delete it.

In order to remove a follower from one’s account, they must unfollow the account. In order to follow a follower without following their account, one must leave them in their “follower list” and “following list.” If a user wants to remove followers who are on their following list, they must also unfollow them.

Someone will know that you have unfollowed them on Instagram if they were following you back to begin with. If someone follows you, then the app will notify them when you stop following them. If they are not following someone back, then they would not be notified of this change in status.

There is no way to view who you have removed from your account, but there are ways to figure out who has deleted their account. “Viewing the list of people unfollowed in the last 14 days can give you a better idea of who has unfollowed you. If someone’s profile picture is gone and if their name does not show up in this list, they have removed themselves from your account.

The most common way to find out if someone muted you on Instagram is by examining the comments section of the post. If there are no notifications in the comment feed, then that means that someone might have muted you. It is also possible to tell if someone has muted you by looking at their timeline, where it will say “You cannot see this person’s posts” if they choose to mute you.