There are a few ways to quote tweets on iOS. The first way is to copy the text of the tweet and paste it into a new tweet. The second way is to screenshot the tweet and add it as an image. The third way is to use a third-party app like Tweetbot or Twitterrific.

To quote a tweet, use the “quote” button on Twitter. This will embed the tweet in your post, and add a link to the original tweet.

There are a few ways to quote tweets on mobile. The first way is to copy the text of the tweet and paste it into a text message or into an email. The second way is to take a screenshot of the tweet and send it as a picture message. The third way is to use a Twitter app that allows you to quote tweets.

To quote a tweet after retweeting, put quotation marks around the text of the original tweet.

Twitter’s terms of service prohibit users from quoting tweets.

There are a few ways to quote a quote. One way is to use quotation marks around the text that is being quoted. Another way is to use block quotes, which are indented and have no quotation marks.

There are a few ways to cite a tweet in text. One way is to include the tweet within quotation marks and include the username of the tweeter and the date the tweet was sent. For example: “According to a study by the University of Southern California, “teens who use social media every day are more likely to be depressed” (Smith, 2016).”Another way to cite a tweet is to include the tweet’s URL.

To find a quote from a tweet, you can use a tool like TweetDeck or search for the tweet on Twitter’s website.

To find a quote from a tweet, you can use a tool like TweetDeck or search for the tweet on Twitter’s website.

To find a quote from a tweet, you can use a tool like TweetDeck or search for the tweet on Twitter’s website.

Twitter’s privacy settings allow users to control who can see their tweets. If a user has their tweets set to “private,” then only people they approve can see their tweets. If a user has their tweets set to “public,” then anyone can see their tweets. Quoting a tweet is a way of sharing someone else’s tweet with your followers.

Twitter hides retweets from the main timeline, but they’re still counted in your tweet count. To see them, click on the “Tweets & replies” tab and select “Retweets.

There are a few different ways to write someone saying a quote, depending on how the quote is punctuated. If the quote is enclosed in quotation marks, it is written as someone said it: “I can’t believe she said that!” If the quote is not enclosed in quotation marks, it is written as someone thinks it: He thought to himself, “I can’t believe she said that!