Only members of the group can see posts in the group.

When you post in a group on Facebook, your post will be visible to all members of the group. Group members can comment on your post, and their comments will also be visible to all members of the group.

Posting to a group on Facebook is done in the same way as posting to a page. Click the “Share” button in the top-right corner of the group’s cover photo, and write your message in the box that pops up. You can also add photos or videos, tag friends, and choose who can see your post. When you’re finished, click “Post.

There are a few reasons why your Facebook group posts might not be seen. One possibility is that the posts are not being shown in the News Feed because they’re not getting enough engagement (likes, comments, and shares). Another possibility is that the group’s privacy settings are set to “closed” or “secret,” which means that only members of the group can see the posts.

There could be a few reasons why your Facebook group posts aren’t being seen by anyone. One possibility is that your group’s privacy settings are too restrictive – if only members can see the posts, then nobody else will be able to see them. Alternatively, if your group is relatively new, it may not have generated a lot of activity yet. In order for people to see your group’s posts in their News Feeds, they need to be following the group and have notifications turned on.

Yes, your friends can see the posts in a private group on Facebook. The posts are only visible to the members of the group.

Yes, your friends will see if you post in a private group. When you post in a private group, your name and profile photo will appear next to the post.

Yes, your friends can see what you post on a Facebook page. By default, Facebook sets your privacy settings to share everything with your friends. You can change this setting by going to the privacy settings page and adjusting who can see your posts.

There are a few different places to write on Facebook. The main place is in the News Feed, where you can post updates about your life or share links and photos. You can also write on other people’s Timelines, or on groups that you’re a part of.

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to share a post with a group. One reason could be that you’re not authorized to share posts with groups. Another reason could be that the group you’re trying to share the post to has restricted sharing settings.